cash paid during the period for
年間支払額{ねんかん しはらいがく}
cash receipts occurred during the period
: 当期中{とうき ちゅう}に発生{はっせい}した現金収入{げんきん しゅうにゅう}
cash paid
: 支払現金額{しはらい げんきん がく}
cash paid book
: 現金支払簿{げんきん しはらいぼ}
get paid cash on the spot
: その場で現金の支払いを受ける
get paid in cash
: 現金{げんきん}で受け取る
during a period
: during a period 期内 きない
during the period
: その期間{きかん}に、その期間中ずっと、当期中{とうき ちゅう}に
during this period
: during this period 此の間 このあいだ このかん
cash dividends paid for minority shareholders
: 少数株主{しょうすう かぶぬし}への配当金{はいとうきん}の支払額{しはらいがく}
administration during the period of organogenesis
: 《医》器官形成期投与試験◆非臨床試験の一つ
cancellation during the contract period
: 契約期間中の解約 The basic fee will not be reimbursed in the event of cancellation during the contract period. 契約期間の途中で解約された場合基本料の返還は致しません。
costs incurred during period
: 期中{きちゅう}に生じた原価{げんか}
dismissal during the trial period
: 試用期間中{しよう きかん ちゅう}の解雇{かいこ}
during a certain period
: 一定の期間
during a certain period in the past
: 過去{かこ}の一時期{いちじき}に
"cash over account" 意味
"cash over and short" 意味
"cash over and short account" 意味
"cash paid" 意味
"cash paid book" 意味
"cash payback method" 意味
"cash payment" 意味
"cash payment book" 意味
"cash payment in advance" 意味
"cash paid" 意味
"cash paid book" 意味
"cash payback method" 意味
"cash payment" 意味
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